For DAO Reviewers

Key Features

A DAO Reviewer is someone who participates in the review process of Advertiser's Creative and Publisher's Ad Units. Cast your vote as YES or NO and, in appreciation of your participation, DAO Reviewers who align with the review outcome are eligible for rewards. Enhancing potential rewards is also possible by staking more $DAOAD. DAO reviewers can then conveniently transfer earned rewards directly to their cryptocurrency wallet as USDC.

Even if you're not in a position to advertise or offer ad slots, you're still welcome to join the review process of DAOAD as a DAO Reviewer. By participating in a fair and reasoned voting process, you can help steer DAOAD towards a brighter future and contribute to the increased value of $DAOAD.

Walk Through

  1. Connect your Cryptocurrency Wallet

  2. Connect your Crypto Wallet

  3. Deposit $DAOAD into DAOAD’s deposit balance

  4. Stake $DAOAD for a certain period to get Voting Power to vote

  5. Review the content of Creative or AD Unit, and vote by Voting Power

  6. If the review result is the same as your vote, you can earn USDC as a reward

Last updated